
The Dashboard provides access to all premium features and user settings. Under dashboard, users can access:

  • Security Assessments: Launch and review security assessments, reports, well-architected reviews, and access remediation templates for security findings

  • Access and update saved configuration stacks

  • Manage AWS account settings

  • Update user profile settings such as password changes and MFA

  • Update subscription details such as adding licenses


The dashboard overview page provides a summary of your ASecureCloud profile and summary of the security status of managed AWS accounts. By default, it shows a combined view of all of managed AWS accounts, but it can be filtered for specific accounts.

The overview page displays information in separate widgets that include:

Security Score

An aggregate security score is calculated and displayed for all AWS accounts. This score is calculated based on the rule severity of all the available security rules in the ASecureCloud engine.

The CIS AWS Benchmark score is also displayed, which is calculated from the subset of rules in the ASecureCloud engine that are defined as part of the standard.

AWS Accounts

Summary of AWS accounts onboarded and license usage.


A quick summary of the security assessment reports that are available for review in the account.

Findings Summary

A high-level breakdown of findings per AWS account that are categorized on rule priority (Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Informational)

Security Maturity Level

This widget takes the form of a multi-dimensional diagram that aims to visualize where your cloud security program excels versus what to improve. The results are based on scores assigned to six domains:

  • Identity & Access Management

  • Infrastructure Security

  • Logging & Monitoring

  • Cost & Usage

  • Data Protection & Encryption

  • Backup & Resiliency

The diagram also compares the latest results to the previous ones to help visualize progression over time. The example below shows:

  • Improvements in the Infrastructure Security and Cost and Usage domains over time

  • Urgent need to improve in the Backup & Resiliency domain

Top 30 recommendations across all accounts

An aggregated view of the top recommendations across all managed AWS accounts

Last updated